
Hello and welcome to my website! I’m excited to share this with you as I continue to tweak it here and there and fine tune everything.

Blog posts once a week.
Vlogs once a week coming soon!

Latest Blog Post: Where I’ve Been (the past few months)

I had intended to do this post as my first vlog, buuut that didn’t exactly work out.

I had intended a lot of things for this year. So many plans, and so little of them chipped away.

I’ve been away for a while. Since October, in fact. I had meant to keep up with my usual blogging schedule through November, and it just didn’t happen. My NaNoWriMo got a lot crazier than perhaps I think I had intended (there was a lot of crazed writing in the last few days and I broke my own personal record a couple of times, but more on that later).

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About Liz

img_4321Lizanne Glasgow was born and raised in northern Louisiana. She has been writing since the age of 15, and studied English at the Institute of Children’s Literature. When not writing, she enjoys playing acoustic guitar, singing along with the radio, and trolling Pinterest or Tumblr for yet another writing prompt.